Rapport Annuel

AIDES is a French community-based non-profit organisation that was founded in 1984. Its aim is to bring people living with HIV/AIDS together with their loved ones and peers into an organised entity dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS and to defend the rights of people and communities affected by this disease. The company operates in more than 100 cities in France.

AIDES contacted me to help them design their annual report — the most important document of the year, read by polititians and influential people in the country. I came up with the idea of back/front, impresonal/personal to represent the title “HIV — The hidden side of discriminations”. The cover has a picture of the most vulnerable audience — a young black female who’s face we don’t see. Each chapter has a portrait of a person representing a certain discrimination group: drug addicts, transgenders, sex workers... etc. The project was done in collaboration with